This will be one of many future posts about phobias, but let’s talk about fear of heights shall we?
Have you ever spent the majority of your ferris wheel ride on the floor clutching your loved ones ankles screaming in terror to “stop shaking the buggy damn it!”
How about having a panic attack before and during the helicopter fly over scene at the Omni/Imax theatre? If you don’t know what I’m talking about, consider yourself lucky.
Do you find yourself screaming at others “For God’s sakes get off the rail” or “Quit leaning on the glass, it could give at anytime”? (This logic is the same reason I don’t walk over manhole covers or city grates….could give way)
If you answered yes to any of the following, we should be friends. If you said no, you’re a real tough guy aren’t you?…well good for you.
I have done some considerable research, none of it sound or scientific, on phobias and on this one in particular. Did you know that some people who are afraid of heights are afraid because they fear that when they are on top of something high like a cliff or a balcony, they fear that they will have a moment of insanity and hurl themselves off of the edge? I did not make this up. Katie Couric talked about it on the Today show once so I know it’s legit. People who have walked on the Golden Gate Bridge have been overwhelmed with this thought of “what if I just run off the edge of this mothertrucker?”
Still sound crazy? Well, let me add some personal relevance.
I once spent what should have been a lovely evening, glued to a bed, hot, sweaty and panting, but not for the reasons you might think. Our room was on the 22nd floor of a hotel room with a wonderful balcony view. I did not leave the bed, and I am not joking. I was convinced that if I got out on that balcony, that I would have a temporary moment of insanity, climb the rails like the old lady in the Titanic movie, and that would be it. Crazy? Absolutely. Common? More than you would think.
So,those of you lurking in the shadows with this same issue, be not afraid! You can now consider me your personal hero for shedding light on this issue. You’re not alone!
Then again, as I have said a hundred times before, “It could just be me…”
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